Group registration and simple enrollment
Membership to Learn ViewPoint provides you with secure access to in-depth, current and practical training resources that cover the main components of the ViewPoint application suite.
When courses are added to the course library, they will automatically be included in your membership and be immediately available to your users.
Group registration and simple enrollment
Membership to Learn ViewPoint provides you with secure access to in-depth, current and practical training resources that cover components of the ViewPoint application suite.
With simple administration and reporting you can track user enrollments and progress. By grouping users, tracking achievements and monitoring activity, Learn ViewPoint gives you everything you need to manage your learners.
Group Reporting
Group reporting on your organisations course and user data
Group Reporting provides group leaders with quick stats on users progress by course or by single user. Group leaders can view real-time activity of users’ interactions within courses. You can easily see how many users haven’t started, are in progress, or have completed the course.
Group leaders can also gain insight into exactly how far along users are for a particular course (i.e. 20% complete versus 80% complete).

Contact the Learn ViewPoint team
or, watch the quick Registration Process video.